Member-only story
3 Simple Questions to Ask Before Taking On a Freelance Job
Make sure the job works for you
I very nearly applied for a freelance job I knew I would hate.
Why? — for the money of course. Isn’t this why most of us work for a living if we’re being honest.
I think a lot of freelancers can probably relate. Sometimes you just need extra work and end up looking at opportunities that aren’t great.
I’m not a traditional freelancer in that I work for clients. I am currently a freelance tutor and writer and I work on platforms where the companies give you work.
This can be a double-edged sword. It means you rely on there being work available whilst removing the hassle of constantly looking for new clients.
Since it is the end of the academic term in many places my work is very quiet so I ended up looking at another role.
After looking at a few reviews of the company (something I highly recommend everyone does) I decided it wasn’t for me. The pay was extremely low for the work you’d be doing. The company seemed to have done the classic thing of assuming freelancers never need to look away from their screen and can…