I’m giving up full time freelancing after only 5 months

This was meant to be my new life and now I’m back in the working world

5 min readJan 31, 2022
Photo by Peggy Sue Zinn on Unsplash

I was once talking to a friend I’d met at my first office job, we were catching up after I’d left the job 6 years earlier and I was explaining all the jobs and things I’d been doing.

She remarked that I’d done a lot of interesting things. In reality, I hadn’t told her everything as my working life had become a strange map where I flitted from one thing to the next with study and freelance work thrown into the mix.

Whilst some people have a career plan I’d found myself taking opportunities on a whim and trying new things because I was bored.

  • I turned down a big promotion at my first office job because I didn’t want my whole career to be planned out for me.
  • I left a job because I didn’t like the corporate environment — it was cold, money-obsessed and I didn’t feel comfortable.
  • I refused a promotion where I would travel frequently because I hate travelling frequently.
  • I turned down the opportunity for a third interview with a global company because I didn’t gel with the environment.
  • I turned down a different job because the employees seemed miserable when I…




Usually writing or taking pictures — remote worker and part-time freelance tutor, editor, and writer. Following my dream to be an author