My 80-Year-Old Friend Encourages Me to Write

Tell people about your work in progress it will spur you on

3 min readDec 21, 2021
Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

Lockdown was a lonely time. I started working from home and was only allowed to exercise outdoors once per day (a rule which now seems bizarre).

Under the suspicious eyes of neighbours, I ventured out daily to my local church grounds. Despite living in a built-up area, I am lucky enough to live within walking distance of this beautiful space. With plenty of trees and the occasional deer sighting, this relaxing place became my sanctuary.

Strange times proceeded. I saw more funerals than I’d ever seen take place at this small church and listened to sad bagpipe music in the afternoons whilst I wrote sad poems about my own loss. It was a weird time in my life.

I also made a friend on my daily walks.

An 80-year-old man was walking his dog every day and I would see him often. We smiled at each other, nodded in recognition, then started waving each time we saw each other.

Eventually, we said hello and made small talk. He likes to paint like me so we had something to discuss and he started asking me about the art I was working on.

One day he said he would walk with me to keep me company and we’ve walked together most days…




Usually writing or taking pictures — remote worker and part-time freelance tutor, editor, and writer. Following my dream to be an author