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Romanticize Your Life
Tips to turn you into the main character
Have you ever wanted to be the star of a TV show? The leading lady getting all the attention, or the leading man with the dream life. Is there part of you that wants to be that character who has it all, literally, figuratively and materially.
Well you can — these people’s lives are created. They are literal works of fiction, glamorised versions taken from the imaginations of writers, costume designers and make-up artists.
Sure, you probably won’t have a film set budget but it doesn’t mean you can’t take inspiration and make a fictional life become your reality.
It’s all about romantising your life.
Be the Main Character
It’s time to stop being the sidekick in your own life. You are the main character; your whole life is all about you. If you are looking for a sign to put yourself first this is it.
We spend so much of our lives thinking about other people — whether it’s looking after the people around you or wondering what strangers think we often forget to consider our own feelings.
It really doesn’t matter what other people think of your choices — are you living for yourself or someone else?