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The Dreaded Drafts
How to deal with those stories you haven’t got around the publishing
Does anyone else’s draft section on Medium rival their published work?
I don’t know why I keep starting stories and then moving on when I can’t get them right. It’s becoming a problem that I want to fix.
Lately I’ve been working on getting the drafts finished. It feels good to finish a story, article or poem that has been sitting there, tormenting me for months.
Whilst my draft section is now lower than the stories I have published it still needs work.
Here’s what I’m doing to fix this annoying problem:
I add to a drafted story daily
Even if I don’t finish a draft, it’s in better shape than before. A few more words added means it’s nearly ready to release into the world.
Sometimes a rest is good for realising that your idea was good. Sometimes you just need to force yourself to work on something. Life and writing are about balance.
I’ve stopped aiming for perfection
Finishing something is better than completing nothing.
If you constantly aim for perfection you will have nothing but drafts. No one is…