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Writing Plans for the New Year
My writing challenge is teaching me a lot
I usually start working on any ‘New Year’ goals in December. I like to get a head start and not have to worry about failing from the start.
Last year I started a daily yoga practice in December and I’m happy to say I stuck with it.
This year I’ve been considering my writing goals. As I’ve been doing a 30 day challenge it’s given me time to think about what I like and don’t about writing.
I’ve found a new love of poetry — one that was always there but I never thought to publish any of my work. I’ve also figured out the kinds of work I like reading. This includes poetry, articles about mental health and commentary on freelance life and remote working.
Knowing what you like to read is helpful when deciding what to write.
Here’s my writing plans for the new year based on my writing challenge:
I’m focusing on what I love
Before this challenge I was trying to write like the top writers on here and create similar articles. I’ve discovered that I don’t like reading most of them. No offence but there’s only so many ‘here’s how to make money on Medium’ articles I can handle.